MIID Virtual REKA Conference 2021

RE-LIVE OF LIFE. RE-LIVE OF DESIGN. Let’s RE-LIVE. Virtual REKA Conference 2021. Rebooting on 13 November 2021. Register Here: https://rekaconference.quickqueue.com.my/intro/   Past speakers of REKA Conference share their thoughts on this year’s theme: Horace Pan, Speaker at REKA Conference 2018   Pok Kobkongsanti, Speaker at REKA Conference 2016   Anon Pairot, Speaker at REKA Conference…


Call for Entry – ADF Milano Salone Design Award 2022

NPO Aoyama Design Forum (ADF) decides to host “ADF Milano Salone Design Award 2022” in conjunction with “Milano Salone (Salone Internazionale del Mobile)”, which will be held next April in Milan, Italy. The winner of the Best Performance Award will receive $10,000 and will be able to exhibit the work at the ADF site during…


#iamREKA: Episode 1: The Power Of Sharing Your Voice

  #iamREKA Episode 1: The Power Of Sharing Your Voice Moderated by EiLing and Nabillah, session hosted by Matthew Lim together with 5 young and ambitious designers. Date: Friday, 17th September 2021 Time: 8pm Platform: Zoom Webinar Register here: ZOOM Webinar Registration Programme: 7.45pm – 8.00pm : Registration 8.00pm – 9.00pm : #iamREKA Episode 1…


MIID REKA Sessions 41

MIID REKA Sessions 41: Design as a Global Conversation: Crossroad Towards Creating Purposeful (Interior) Design Date: Thursday, 12th August 2021 Platform: Zoom Webinar (Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eAAV11PuSjKbSmVMsiSj2g) Time: 3.00pm – 5.10pm Panelists: IDr Indra Ramanathan, IDr Adela Askandar, Jun Ong & Tay Ei Ling Programme: 15:00-15:15 Registration 15:15-15:30 Welcoming speech by Chairman 15:30-16:50 Conversation with Panelists moderated by Esther…


#iamREKA – The Quest for Young Designers

Dear MIID Members, You are cordially invited to participate in the first ever Youth Program created by MIID, #iamREKA – The Quest for Young Designers which is scheduled as per below: Date: Friday, 30th July 2021 Time: 8pm Platform: Zoom Webinar Register here: Zoom Webinar Registration Programme: 7.45pm – 8.00pm : Registration 8.00pm – 9.00pm…


Italian Design Day 2021

Dear MIID Members, You are cordially invited to participate in the Italian Design Day 2021, organised by UniKL Malaysia Italy Design Institute (MIDI) in collaboration with MIID which is scheduled as per below: Date: Thursday, 8th July 2021 Time: 3.30pm – 5.30pm Platform: Facebook Live Embassy of Italy in Kuala Lumpur UniKLPage UniKL MIDI Theme:…


MIID REKA Workshop 4.0

MIID REKA Workshop 4.0: Topic: The MIID ID Works Contract 2020 Venue: Conservatory Foyer, Level 3, EQ Equatorial Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur Date: Saturday, 10th April 2021 Time: 8.00am – 3.30pm Mode: Physical Workshop Fees: RM250 per person (MIID Member) RM350 per person (Non-Member) LIMITED SEATS. REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/jwMAD14A1brTdNWQ9 Kindly email the…


MIID REKA Sessions 40

MIID REKA Sessions 40: Choose to Challenge: A Conversation with Pamela Tan and Suzy Sulaiman in Commemoration of International Women’s Day Date: Monday, 8th March 2021 Platform: Zoom Webinar (Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r6PuKrjMTgmGVakQ2kISgQ) Time: 3.00pm – 5.15pm REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED OPEN TO MIID MEMBERS & NON-MEMBERS LIMITED SEATS   For more info, kindly contact MIID Secretariat at 03-6411…
